Well, I suppose it could be called that if the infestation was crickets. But this house sure feels like I am in the middle of the Chirping Hell. I don't know where in the world they are coming from, but every night I go a-hunting. I even hava a special shoe for my smackdown. I search out at least 5 a night. Where are they coming from? No one is home all day to let them inside. I find them in my bathtub too. Are they sneaking in the drains? Rachel is scared of them. Jason hunts with me, and Amanda is ambivalent. But I swear I haven't had this many creepy crawlies (or should I say jumpers?) co-habitting with me since I moved here. Maybe the little critters are just as tired of the oppressive heat as we all are, and are just looking to cool off. Whatever it is, I need to call the exterminator again, and rid me of these nasty things.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Wanna Get My Brooklyn On
I've been feeling a little feisty lately. I'm not sure if it is a hormonal thing or what. All I do know is I've been itching for a knock down, drawn out, smack some down, fight. I'm not usually very confrontational, but I have this hype inside me that is just itching for it. Almost along the lines of getting piss drunk at a biker bar and curse out some leather-clad motorcycle mama itch. I could have done some damange this past weekend, but kept it under control. Damn Paxil....
Posted by Just Another Mom at 8:59 PM 2 comments
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Power(ball) Dreaming
So the big jackpot is over $200 million. That's a lot of pocket change. One can not help but to wonder what you would do with that much money. But what really happens to people who win that much money. Does it ruin their lives? Make them become insensitve to others? Selfish? Or do they become victims of people trying to take advantage of money they never earned? We would all like to think we would continue to live our lives the same way as always, but we all do know that deep down inside it does change us in ways we can't predict. Aww, hell, I'll take my chances and play anyways!
Posted by Just Another Mom at 4:07 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Big F----ing Deal
So here I am, a year old and sure as hell not wiser. I spent the day the same as I would any other day. Did laundry. Went into work to make some copies and set up for my incoming volunteer. Went to Target. So this is what my world has come to. It truly is just another day. Why would I expect anything other? Have I not learned my lesson. Christmas is for the kids. I've always been on my own for Mother's day and shared it with my own mother. This is suppose to be *my* day. To my family and friends something unique to me. But in the end, it is just another day. Maybe it is better that way, no real recognition of it, therefore I can deny it really ever existed.
Posted by Just Another Mom at 8:17 PM 1 comments