Monday, April 27, 2009

Some Satisfaction

I am certainly grasping at straws here. My excitement over getting a substitute position in Tempe has made my day. Substitute. Hey I'll take it. I hope Chandler will also offer me subbing. Now I just have to make certain those teachers get it wrong for me to start wishing ill health on those poor hard working, full time employed teachers?

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Eight Things

Eight Things.....

I look forward to.....
1. A bright new future. 2. Rachel starting all day school. 3. Returning to career mode. 4. Seeing my children grow. 5. Watching my son play baseball. 6. A day without whinning. 7. A sun-filled day 8. A good workout.

I wish I could do....
1. Sing. 2. Not procrastinate. 3. Be more positive. 4. Run. 5. Go home to NY for a visit. 6. Go on a shopping spree. 7. Take the kids to Disneyworld. 8. Stay away from cookies.

I did yesterday....
1. Worked out. 2. Laundry. 3. Girl Scout Meeting. 4. Book Club at Paradise Bakery. 5. Wal-Mart (yuck). 6. Hung out with Mike. 7. Sent faxes...lots of faxes. 8. Went to an open house.

Shows I watch....
1. Real Housewives. 2. All My Children. 3. Top Chef. 4. Project Runway. 5. Desperate Housewives. 6. House Hunters. 7. News. 8. Millionaire Matchmaker

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My New Full Time Job

No, don't get excited. I haven't been offered any teaching positions just yet. I have seemed to now excel at this new employment I have seemed to create. It's called "searching". I am constantly searching for work. Constantly searching for possible placed to live. Constantly searching for good deals on the Internet on clothing and food. I am excelling at the art of "Search Engine". I think I might have to add it to my resume. Now I wonder if it would go under the "Skills" section or the "Hobbies".

Sunday, April 19, 2009


I know it is in the spirit of giving, we volunteer. We give of ourselves to others, to better someone else's world. It is time consuming. It is exacting. It can take it's toll. It seems people forget that volunteers are not required to participate and be there all the time. We make mistakes. We try hard to be the spirit of the organization in which we represent. I do not have a secret agenda. I do not appreciate the back talking, the lack of respect and the negative attitude. Without our volunteers in the world, many distinguished organizations would cease to exist. These programs are available because someone like me has taken the time out her busy schedule to be an influence on the world. Quite honestly, I have had enough. There is no appreciation for the hard work. No true realization how much effort and planning goes into each activity. I am tired of having parents complain about how I do things, or how the rules are explained to me. I'm tired of having my judgement and knowledge not trusted. I'm tired of having people who have no time to volunteer complain about me living up to the goals of the organization. So now it is my turn to be the one who is not involved but will hopefully reap the rewards of someone else's servitude.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Blown Away

The wind has been howling. I thought it was suppose to be April showers, not April gusts. Apparently, in the desert this is the case. I don't remember it being this bad in years past, but the blowing dust is killing my allergies. I just love the grit of dirt in my eyes. The taste of the sand in my mouth as I am watching another baseball game (why, oh why does these windstorms keep happening on game days?) I'm putting on my Angels hat, taking my allergy meds, and bringing saline for my eyes. Hopefully I will have a few weeks before I start complaining about it being 108 again.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Candy + Holidays = Stuffed Tummy

Why, oh why is every major holiday have major eating involved? And so many of them the focus is chocolate. Just think of it....Halloween, Christmas, Easter....I can just taste the chocolate from that darn bunny on my lips. Those sweet, innocent mini chocolate bars that are harmless when you eat 12 of them. Good food, fun times, friends and family always seem to go hand in hand. We overindulge, and complain afterwards. Destined to do it again next time. Luckily the warmer months usually means less gorging.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Regional Attitude Differences

A good friend of mine who is a west coast native recently went on a weekend jaunt to New York City. While relaying her travels, she made a point about the perceived rudeness of New Yorkers. She admitted if she hadn't known me she would certainly view them in that light, but I have changed her mind. The attitude isn't rudeness but in fact abruptness. She finally understood how the pace of society there dictates how we would speak with each other. How you need to know what you want to order right away or other people get annoyed. The tour guide at the museum telling the group to hurry up. She finally understood my frustrations with the laid back west coast thing, and how I talk about trying to mellow out here. So my question to all my readers, do you think there truly are regional differences or is it just a stereotype?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Yeah, I Really Have Done That

and no dumb blonde jokes about me either, or I will deck you! My friend Jennifer (see her blog link on the right? use it!) has inspired me to make my own list of faults/gaffes/blunders, what was I thinking moments. Here you go:

1. I have eaten a whole box of Samoas and I *highly* recommend it. It was almost better than sex.

2. I too forget which way is left, and use the L hand trick too.

3. I have let me kids stay in the same pajamas all weekend.

4. We have eaten ice cream for dinner.

5. I lie to the workout equipment about my actual weight, like it would know the difference or care.

6. The only way I know my multiplication facts for 6s, 7s and 8s is by knowing my 5s, 9s and 6x6, 7x7, and 8x8 and I'll either add or subtract to find the answer. (Yeah I know memorizing it would probably be easier, but I came from the educational generation that didn't have to memorize any facts, and didnt' know my phonics until I took a course in teaching reading).

Friday, April 3, 2009

Summer Sandal Selections

I'm dreaming again.....but not about handbags anymore. Bluefly drew me in with Christian Louboutin sales. I of course resisted buying, but you can't stop me from looking and dreaming. Here are a few of my favs, since we all know April is sandal season in the southwest!

These Stuart Weitzman's are a strappy love for me. My friend Jennifer can just picture me at the public pool in my bikini chasing after my kids in this....NOT! But they would look really cute with the perfect little black dress.

What would summer be without a pair of Diors? These would suit me just fine.

Rainbow Jimmy that says summer in the Hamptons to me. What's not to love?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Friendship Lost

I knew when I uprooted and moved 2500 miles away from where I grew up and lived most my life I would change the landscape of my existing friendships. Beleive it or not, that was one of the most difficult things I had to do, leaving my friends. It has now been almost 4 years since I arrived in the Valley of the Sun, and my friendships have evolved. One has grown stronger....another has remained, but I sure do miss her. And yet another one has been lost.

I never thought in my 25 years of knowing my friend, that we would stop. This is not my choice. This is due to a misunderstanding, and one that can easily be rectified. I undderstand why she would be mad at me, but she is mistaken in her reason. I am not angry, and it is one sided. At a time when my life is in such upheaval, I long for the closeness of the people who have known me for most of my life. I ache for the stability, just to give me some connection. But it is gone. I will always be here if she changes her mind, but I feel like my heart has been broken.