Sunday, November 30, 2008

My New Theme Song

When I'm in a mood, this is what's playing in my head. Ahh...gotta love the pissed off New Yorker that I really am....LOL


Friday, November 28, 2008

Yes, I Do Know How the Oven Works

To all my nay-sayer friends who think I can't cook or bake, I am offering my photo evidence of my accomplishments. In all honest, I am a decent cook and a good baker. I don't like to cook, it seems no one can agree on what they like so it takes some of the joy out of it. Baking seems to take a lot of time and lots of planning, both of which I don't seem to have much of since the kids came along. Where baking is concerned, I always make time during the holidays.

The pumpkin is not from a real pumpkin. So I guess it is semi-homemade. I adjust the spices and make my own crust though.

The apple is a secret. So don't bother asking. It is frequently requested.

This is a new one for me, Pecan English Toffee. My friend Cindy is responsible for the recipe, and I received rave reviews for it. It was easy to make, and I will be giving it as gifts to the kids teachers.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My Un-American Thanksgiving Feast

I am a second generation main heritage I associate strongly with is my Italian side. I guess we spent most of our time with my father's side of the family, and it became more ingrained. John's family is a little less ethnic than me, but there is one thing he despises. Turkey and Ham dinners! Yep, I am having a turkey-free Thanksgiving. I am serving lasgana.....yep don't get further than traditional fare with that! Well at least I won't be called unpatriotic, I did make apple pie!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I Wanna Go Home

I know I have been living in Arizona for over 3 years, but New York will always be home to me. It's where I grew up, where most of my memories are. I have a strong yearning to go back, to visit that is. (Reality check reminds me I can't afford to live there anymore, or at least in the lifestyle I have become accustomed to). Rachel has very little recollection of living there, so I want her to go ice skating, and to see the tree. The houses there really go all out with decorations, and to see where here life began. Yeah, yeah I know it's cold there now. Yes I am aware it snows there too, and the ice is a pain also. I have been searching for flights right after Christmas, wouldn't it be nice to be there for New Year's and see my niece and nephew for their birthdays? Is it really worth the 2 grand to go with my kids? Hmmm....maybe John might consider it his Christmas gift, since he'd be here alone while we are visiting his family. I'm sorely tempted.....

Sunday, November 23, 2008


I just realized it is Thanksgiving this week (yeah I know check your calendar). This may be a bit premature, but I thought I'd express what I have to be thankful for. We have food to put on our table, a mortgage that isn't upside down, our entire family is in good health, we have wonderful family and friends (far and near), and the love of many. What we sometimes forget is that we have the ability to speak our thoughts, practice what religion we beleive, and have a part in the decision making process of our country. And for all this I have to make turkey and stuffing.....hmmm....

Friday, November 21, 2008

The True New Yorker in Me

One of my favorite sayings lately has been "Say it loud, say it proud!". So here goes it!

I am a New Yorker through and through and I am never going to apologise for it. New Yorkers are loud, and quite often obnoxious. We speak fast, make fast and impulsive decisions, and drive fast. Food is never as good, entertainment is never as satisfying. We do think the world revolves around New Yorkers and there truly is only *one* city in the country (all others are just overgrown towns). We savor life and never let you forget we exist.

We are survivors. We are loyal. New Yorkers know how to have fun. We tell you straight out how we feel. No holds barred.

Make no mistake, this is me. You can take a girl out of New York, but you can't take New York out of the girl.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Need to Get Crafty!

It seems my crafting projects are suffering at the hands of working out, Girl Scouts, sports, reading, my blog, Facebook and Pogo time. I have not finished an afghan I started in summer. I am currently over 2 years behind on my scrapbooking. I haven't knitted since June. My sewing machine has been broken for nearly 2 years and I haven't even attempted to find out if it is worth repairing or just scrapping it for a new one. I think I need to have better time management and revist my other passions. Surely there is room for everything, right?

Monday, November 17, 2008

Shake It!!!!

When I'm in a bad mood, this song just picks me up...I dunno why.... Enjoy

Saturday, November 15, 2008

I Pulled Off Another One

My last birthday party of the year is done. Finished. Kaput! And I can honestly say I am happy about it. Gosh, who would ever think hosting a home party would be so much work. Rachel did have a good time with her little friends, and we didn't have any major meltdowns, so I suppose that is a major accomplishment in itself. So go to my Facebook and check out the pictures from the very cute Puppy party.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Trans Fats

Unless you have been living in a bubble the past years, you know all the hype about how bad Trans Fats are for your health. Even in New York City, the big box food retailers are required to remove them from their products. I tend to think that an overabundance of it is more the issue, rather than the moderate intake of them. Nonetheless, these bad fats are being eliminated from our favorite foods. Girl Scout cookies are also onboard. But the cookies just don't taste the same. The All Abouts (wafer cookie with chocolate bottom) seems to not have survived the sans trans fad. They have been booted from the line up, and I for one is sad. Oh well, I suppose it is all in the name of healthy cookie (an oxymoron in my honest opinion).

Monday, November 10, 2008

Cellphones and Texting

This is not going to be a rant about rude people talking and texting. So continue reading if you are still interested.

Everyone who knows me well, knows I have a love affair with my cellphone. I have unlimited texting for a really good reason. I've been accused of being like a teenager in this technological aspect of my world. There, I've admitted my phone addiction. One of my pet peeves has to do with people who let everything go to voicemail. Just answer your phone. If I am calling it, I probably need to speak with you. If it was just imparting some information, or just to be casual, I would text you. Or if you are in a situation that you can not talk in, then text me back.

Tonight, while home doing school work with my girls, I get a phone call from John's work. There is a big, big problem. They needed to get in contact with him ASAP. John was at soccer practice with Jason. No problem, call him on his cell. Well, if you know John, he is the polar opposite of me and hates his phone. It's not with him. The store has been robbed and they need him. I start calling other people at the fields, no answer. Four adults later, in desperation, I called a teenage daughter of one of the parents who I hoped was there. The teen called me back first! Can you beleive it? I was floored because I didn't text her!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Countdown to Christmas

Forty Six more days. Yep, I can't beleive I have actually uttered the "C" word this early in November. But the signs are all there of the impending holiday. The stores have their displays out. I have been inudated with catalogs. There is even Christmas music on the readio! And the most post Halloween sign of them all, chaos has come to my home. As the weather cools, my children become more out of control. I'd blame the candy, but they are only allowed one piece a day. So much for sugar high. It is happening earlier and earlier each year. It's only a matter of time that I will explode from have the Ho Ho Ho spirit shoved down my throat and I am ready to cancel the whole day and run off to Hawaii.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Quotes from Dr. Seuss

Who would have thought our favorite childhood author had such wonderful quotations. Enjoy!

“You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”

“Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.”

“Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.”

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Bane of my Diet

I was sooo good for about 3 months. Only eating when I was hungry. Making healthy decisions about food. Feeling wonderful after losing more than 20 lbs. Exercising regularly. Then that pagan holiday of temptation came along. Damn you all! Twix is the worst thing ever made. Oh sweet chocolate and caramel with a cookie bottom. So delicious. So bad for me! Yikes, please someone make them go away, Feel free to come on over and take them off my hands before I eat both bags of them.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Watch What You Say

As adults, sometimes we forget what our little ones hear as part of conversation. Other times, we say things that are not meant to be repeated to ears outside of our own homes. Most parents (especially my friends who read my blog) can relate to letting an expletive slip in front of innocent ears. But I'm referring to more serious adult conversations.

In our house there was much talk of politics during the last month. The school was focusing on the current events, and our children had formed some opinions. We would discuss our reasonings for supporting a candidate and allowed our children to form their opinion (not that my 7 year old should be allowed in a voting booth, but we wanted balance). I did hear about a friend of one of my children who lamented about the possiblity of the election of one of the candidates. She stated if this man was elected, he would make her parents give up all their money and they would lose their house. Ouch.

Be mindful my friends, Be mindful.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

You GO Girl!

That's right go and vote today. A measley 100 years ago, our great grandmothers did not have the ability to do so. We owe it to all those who were not given a voice. Those who fought, lobbied and demanded to be heard need us to continually fulfill their dream. We need to fight the further discrimination against our gender, for as females we cross every cultural, socioeconomic, ethnic and racial lines.

Ladies we are the majority, 51% of the population is female, we need to have a voice. I will not tell you who to cast your ballot for, just do it with a clear conscience. Do it in the memory and respect for your suffregist sisters.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

It's an AZ thang

OK, so this post might be more geared to my non-Arizona friends, so the rest of you will have to bear wtih me (or copy and paste it to your non-Arizona friends).

I am going to answer the questions I get asked all the time at this time of year. Yes, I am aware yesterday was Halloween. Yes all picture are taken in the dark, we only trick or treat at night here. Why? Because it was flipping 92 degrees yesterday, would you want to walk around and let your chocolate melt? Yes, those are flip flops my girls are wearing, did you just read the last sentence?? No, I do not change the clocks twice a year, we don't do it at all. Why? I am not in control of this, google it yourself if you really want to know. However, I am excited it stays light out past 4:15 pm, so I am not complaining.

Ok, deep breath, my rant is over. I'll try not to do that too often!