Friday, February 27, 2009

Be Aggressive, B-E Aggressive

I can hear the cheer in my head as I am writing this (see you can be smart *and* a cheerleader too). But I am really going off topic here. I need to start thinking about stepping up my game in my job search. The boon days are definitely over, and I need to be aggressive in order to land a job. Gosh, I hate tight job markets, but a girl needs to be realistic. Just because there is suppose to be a demand for special ed teachers doesn't mean there is a position awaiting me with my name engraved on it. I think next week is the perfect time to write my introduction letter, strap on some heels, slither into a conservative yet professional skirt, and hit the pavement. Wish me luck readers. I am going to need it. Money is going to get really tough this year, and I need to work in order to keep my head above water.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Time....Whizzing on By

Um, hello? I think I missed February. Last thing I seem to remember was International Festival, and that was in January. All of a sudden, March is this weekend. My poor son, I seem to do this every year, and his birthday (March 3rd) is put on the back burner. Bless his soul he is such an easy kid to please, otherwise I would be up the creek without a paddle. We went last night to pick out his present (a digital camera), but we still haven't made any plans to commiserate him entering double digits. March just sneaks up on me. Kind of like the last 10 years and those pesky ten pounds....

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


For bookclub we are reading this non-fiction work. Freakonomics uses economic principles to explain various societal issues. It is certainly a different type of book than you would expect a club to be reading. The chapter titles are definately eye catching, but I must admit that the subject mastter is boring to me. There is a lot of information using numbers and that seems to trip me up. I have forgotten my math ADD. I thought I liked statistics in college, but this analysis of data, while in a unique way to support the authors positions, is just plain boring. I wish it wasn't, but so be it. I will finish this book. That I do promise. And I look forward to hearing the arguements of my friends in support or not of the author's opinions. But so help me if someone starts quoting statistics, I will scream. (Yep picture it, me with the hands over my head yelling "I can't hear you, I can't hear you. La, la, la, la.....)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Ready, Set, Race

It was Pinewood Derby Day! Jason was so excited to race his metallic green car. This was his second Derby and his anticipation was high. There were nearly 30 cars and the competition was strong. In the end Jason had the following results: 3rd, 2nd, 2nd, 1st, 3rd. He fared well, but some of the cars were super fast. But he had fun and that is what matters most.

Jason was also awarded his Bear rank. He made it just in time, since he moves up to Webelos on his birthday (March 3rd). Nothing like waiting until the last minute to finish. But in was a good day.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Take My Temperature, Please....

I got a phone call on Thursday from my friend Jamie. She was going to have some alone time during the day on Friday. She suggested we go for lunch and some shopping. Come Friday, I had no desire to go. I turned down shopping? I think it must be a first. I think my first word as a child was Macy's. I love shopping. I am thinking about lobbying the International Olympic Committee to make it an event in the next Olympics (oh the joy it could be a Winter, Summer event....or BOTH!). I still have money on gift cards from Christmas. Nope. I stayed home, cleaned up after Bunco and chilled out. I must be ill....

Thursday, February 19, 2009

My Sweet Tooth

First I would like to give props to my friend Sara....the lemon bars and truffles were a huge success at Bunco tonight. I, of course, gave her all the credit and pointed to my refrigerator where the recipes were prominently displayed.

My sweet tooth has been sneaking in on me again. I seem to recall a similiar episode around halloween, so I am hoping that it too will pass. But until then, I seem to want candy, chocolate, licorice....even carbs. It has been so bad lately, it's bordering on scary. I am not hungary. I am guessing it is stress related, since I have been a walking disaster area (please, do not call FEMA...they would only make it worse). I still have very little appetite, thanks to Paxil, but dang around lunch time I just have to eat the leftover starbursts. Make it stop please...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ending of An Era

Seven years and 8 months.

That is how long I have been out of the paid workforce. Today I make 2 steps to ending this part of my life. I will be registering my youngest child in full day kindergarten (one way or another she will be full day). She is over 5 years old and very ready to move on. Staying at home with just mommy isn't enough for her anymore. She is ready and happy to start attending school with her big sister and brother (not that they are looking forward to it, mind you). But also, I will be going on my first job interview in over 9 years. This probably scares me the most. Re-entering the workforce after so much time. Will I be able to justify my time during my absence? Raising my three children, my volunteer work must count for something? Will I be able to answer questions with another adult and not have a child at my foot? I admit, I am scared. I've been coping with it by not thinking about it. Sure it is a terrible time to be seeking employment. But I can still dream about getting that perfect job, right?

Sunday, February 15, 2009


I'm not sure if it is West Coast thing or what, but I never can seem to get people to respond to invitations. I am hosting Bunco on Thursday, and I have yet to hear from 7 out of the 12 invited guests. This is a monthly gathering, so no big surprises about it being on the calendar. You would think that would make it easier to get responses. Apparently not. I guess I'll just have to start harrassing people starting on Tuesday, so I know how many to expect and if I need subs.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

When IS You Kid's Bedtime??

I would like to add this disclaimer before I rant on- I have been accused of being a bit too diligigent when it comes to bedtimes. Strict has been used to describe it quite often. So possibly my views maybe skewed, however, my friends who were with me appeared equally annoyed, so I suppose not.

To avoid the kiddie crowd, my 30 something friends and I went to a 10:10 showing of Shopaholic. Since it was at the mall, we thought it prudent to avoid the teeny-boppers and some of the opening day crowds. Our instincts were somewhat correct. We enter the theater (after a long trek in the Arizona winter evening) and there is plenty of seating 5 minutes before start time. Perfect. We scope out seats with no one infront of or behind us. Room to talk and ooooh and aaahhh over the fashions. As the movie is about to start a couple of women walk in with very young children. A baby and a sick toddler. Guess where they sit? Yep, right infront of us. I lost count how many times one of the adults left with the baby in the stroller and I know my friends lost count on the times the toddler coughed. What are these people thinking? Couldn't they find other seats? What would possess them to come to a movie that ends after midnight? And feed their 3 year old an Icee too? At the end of the movie I was surprised to see there were at least 2 other under 10 kids at this movie. All I can ask myself is WHY???

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Anyone who knows me well, knows my only sister and I do not get along. We are polar opposites. We were not close as children, and while we have gone through some periods of time where we got along those times were rare.

Now that I have 2 daughters of my own, I see their dynamic in a different light. Being 2 years apart can be a curse or a blessing for my new angels. They fight like cats and dogs sometimes (I swear Amanda goes to sleep at night thinking of new ways to make her sister cry). It can get ugly. They yell horribly mean things to each other. But then there are times they are looking for each other and they can actually play for a few hours without World War III erupting. Today, Rachel begged me to bring her up to Amanda's school to have lunch. Our school encourages this and for some unknown reason I complied. We were there in time for Amanda's recess (it is before lunch). Rachel was being shy and didn't want to walk over onto the fields where Amanda was playing with a friend. She coerced me down the wet slope. When Amanda saw her, she ran over to her little sister and picked her up. Big sister promptly began to show off her little sis to her friends. They actually sat together and ate lunch without fighting. It wasn't exactly a Norman Rockwell moment, but I'll take it. Perhaps there is hope yet for my girls!

Monday, February 9, 2009

The Curse of Facebook

Social networking. It has turned into a fun way to keep in touch with good friends, family and old acquaintances. It is also a way to have information about you put forth in a very public way. Sometimes you lose your privacy easily. With one stroke, one comment, you can become this weeks gossip. Everyone can know personal details of your life without your side or explanation. You will be whispered about behind covered mouths. Those who are curious will seek you out and pretend to care. I suppose in the cyberworld there isn't much anonymity.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Just Groovin'

I'm not a huge fan of Jason Mraz, but I do dig this one.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Play Ball

I know I am rushing the season, but I am a little excited for it. Jason had try outs last week and I can't wait to get it started. Maybe it's the beautiful weather we have had the past 2 weeks, but I can almost feel spring training in the air. I love the beginning of the season, when there is excitement about practices. The weather is still nice, and we aren't roasting and praying for only early Saturday games. But there is something just so fun, and dare I say American, about watching your 10 year old in the field with his baseball hat on concentrating so hard he doesn't even hear you cheering.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Frost's Nothing Gold Can Stay

Not sure what else to write today. Life has gotten complicated, so I thought I would share on of my old favorites. I remember having to memorize this poem in high school, and of course many of you will remember it from the movie, "Outsiders".

Nature's first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leafs a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Just Say NO!

I was a kid from the 80s, but apparently I ignored that message from Nancy Reagan. Now, relax I'm not talking about drugs....not my thing. I'm referring to my innate ability to volunteer myself for things. I just can't resist. I am finished with the International Fest, and the rest of the year I'm in the clear with additional scout responsibilities. Am I satisfied with that? Nope. As soon as their was a call for assistance in planning the Leader Dinner, guess who's hand goes up? Yep, that would be me...I'm just a sucker it seems.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

So THAT'S Why I volunteer

I do rant alot, especially about Girl Scouts (not that I need to tell any of my good friends this), and have "quit" at least 4 times in the past 3 years. But I keep refocusing, and going back. My daughter enjoys it, without me there might not be a troop, other girls wouldn't be involved, leadership is a quality I want my daughter to possess, compassion for others is another. Yeah, yeah, blah, blah....It's the dealing with the adults and the paperwork that takes the joy out of it (kinda like teaching!).

This weekend was International Festival. I was a co-organizer for this two neighborhood event. I did almost *nothing* prior to the event. My co-organizer was fantastic, and maybe even more of a control freak than I am, and did all of the leg work preparing for the day. My responsibilities was getting my troop ready to represent Ireland and running the event that day. I was semi-prepared with my troop, and didn't do any prep work for the latter....But somehow it all pulled itself together and I think it went well! My daughter was able to see her mom as an authority figure over 300 people. She witnessed me organize the 19 troops and run an entire event- almost completely on my own. The only 2 blips- forgetting to retire the colors and not having an icepack in my first aid box, were minor for an event of this size. I've always enjoyed the spirit of International Festival, and was proud to be apart of it. However, for my next try-it meeting, my girls will be working on their first aid boxes....