Saturday, October 24, 2009

Place in Suburbia

There is a heirarchy of women living in the rooftops of every American white picket fence world. You see them hanging out at the park together and at the elementary school. They are the stay-at-home moms with young children. They congregate and plan the carpools for activities. They are active in their children's school PTOs and the entire school staff know them. They are the coach's wives and are actively involved. This is their importance in life. For the past 8 years this was my station in life. Once I got seperated, I was straddling two worlds, that of the involved parent and that of the independent woman. The old friends of mine still would talk to me daily. I was "in the know" of the homestead. We sat on the sidelines together. Carpooled and chatted. Our children would play on the sidelines. They were interested and concerned about my changes in my life. Many prodding me to "save my family". Now that I have been living on my own, these people are fading from my life right before my very eyes. It's as if my marital status has changed how I am related to. I feel like an outsider looking in. Assumptions have been made by others about my participation in activities I would do with my friends, because it is assumed I am "too busy" now. I feel out of place...