Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Going back to work has been a bit of a challenge. The kids are being bounced back and forth from the two houses. The are in before-school care a couple days of week. Their babysitter picks them up from school now. I can't help but regret what I am missing out with Rachel. She is the first one I didn't take to kindergarten. I have no pictures of her first day at the big kid school. (Poor thing, she really only had one year of preschool also). This was a pretty big milestone, and I had to utter those dreadful words, "I have to work honey". She already grows up too fast, having a bossy sister to push her along. I can't help but to think I am pushing her even harder. But the choice of paying the rent and working, or that trailer in AJ...I suppose the choice is easy.


Jennifer said...

And don't forget you are showing her that moms can work at home or in the "real world." She's also learning she can take care of herself. As long as she knows she can count on you for stability, that's all that matters.