Friday, July 3, 2009

This Post Will Get Hits

Watch out site meter.

This story is just too funny not to tell. It is amazing what excites little girls.

The kids are curious out the new house we will be renting for the next year. We have been in the process of moving the boxes and clothes since Tuesday. Ever since we started this process, Rachel has been dying to take a shower. Since she has forgone the baths, she has showered in stall-type showers with doors that swing open. The kids bathroom has the tub/shower combination with sliding glass doors. She was so excited last night when I told her she could take a shower. She got all ready, took one look inside of it, and changed her mind. She became apprehensive about the massaging shower head and the doors. She convinced her sister to shower with her. I am laughing so hard, just thinking about this post- and the obvious title- "Sisters Shower Together". I'm sure I'll get tons of hits.