Saturday, September 5, 2009

Monkey Wrenches

Just when I think I have it all figured out, something pops up and changes it. I have settled into a new little routine, figured out how to be a new me, and then poof...there goes gravity...

Gosh, I guess I was spoiled for a long time with alot of the same old, same old. Now, since coming to Arizona, I feel like the world is spinning out of control. I'm not sure what side is up. I just smile and go along with everything. Now I am just one big huge question mark. My confidence is taking a beating. I am fighting every urge to run away, FAST.


dmdm said...

You *should* run away when you feel the urge... to the drive thru carwash-- alone. Take that glorious 8 minutes in the wet dark of your car to scream, meditate, fume, cry, pray for salvation, or pig out on the entire box of cookies. It works.
Shoulders back, girl! =) Dani