Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Since moving out on my own with the children, the stress level of my children is thick. Rachel tells me how 2 kids have blamed her for pushing a boy at school(I don't doubt she did- I'm so not in parental denial). She's having meltdowns over going first all the time. She hates all foods she once loved. Fighting with her siblings (she is at least consistent with her aggressive behavior and stands up to boys). Amanda melts down at least 5 times a week.....over me not spending enough time helping her with homework, to my taking her siblings to the pool without her (she was at a sleepover). She has made whinning an art form. Jason is backing to stressing out at school. He complains he tired of not being able to do anything because of his sisters. And he can't seem to keep track of his clothes or his trumpet. Maybe it's too much shuttling around from the two houses. Maybe I need to actually limit their time at their dad' give them a home base. Maybe we just need a vacation.


Jennifer said...

I'm sure you know it's only natural for them to exhibit regressive behaviors. I think as long as they have a stable routine (no "I'll take them, oh I'm working") then they will eventually normalize. And maybe they need to talk to a professional. Probably not a bad idea for all of you!All you can do is your best and I know that's what you've been doing.