Monday, July 28, 2008

Home Quiet Home

Ahh, the sweet sound of the class bell ringing at school! A new year, and for the first time in 9 years I will have the house all to myself. Well, at least for 2.5 hours...and not on hubby's day off. But hey, time alone is precious.

Just think of all the things I could do....start that novel I've outlined in my head for the past 5 years. Take some refresher courses to update my resume. Catch up on my scrap booking. Volunteer at Meals on Wheels. Tackle all the books on Oprah's book club.

Who am I kidding? I probably will go to the gym. Grocery shop in peace. Maybe drink some coffee at Starbucks. Play on the computer. Have a conversation with a friend uninterrupted. Clean up without any "help".

I guess lofty goals depend upon your point of view.