Friday, August 29, 2008

Damn Fitting Room Mirrors

You would think the stores would put in mirrors that make you look skinnier! I swear I don't look *that* fat in my bathroom mirror. However, I try on bathing suits at Mervyn's and I swear my thighs look like they should have their own zip code. Dang! All I want is one non "mommy"-like 2 piece suit that won't make people say, "wow she must have some self esteem to be seen in that", or "ouch, my eyes!". Yep, my new body goal is a bathing suit without a skirt! But those darn mirrors are stopping me from bringing one home. Really, it's the mirrors.....


Jennifer said...

You're one step ahead of me. I would not be caught in a dressing room trying on swimsuits or wearing one without an attached skirt!