Friday, August 8, 2008

The Great Gift Debate

I decided about a year ago to stop being an enabler for the people in my life. I figured it would allow my children to become more independent and confident. Also, it would relieve some of my stress of doing everything for my family. The most resistant to this change seems to be my husband. Now I realize he works hard all week, and I do the majority of the indoor chores. But since moving here, he has no desire to learn how the dishwasher, dryer, clothes washer, irrigation timer works. Ok, I can handle that. But in the last few years I have been solely responsible for acquiring presents, even Mother's Day for his mom (not to mention myself). In here lies my newest struggle. I am now refusing to purchase my own presents. I want sentimentality, damn it! I have free reign over money, so what good is it if I already know what I am getting? Gifts are suppose to be about the thought, so if he doesn't give me anything, he doesn't think much of me. I know, I know, I should be grateful he loves me, has supported me these past 7 years while I've been at home, blah, blah, blah. I want something to show he took a little bit of time to think about me. We'll see if I win this battle.