Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ending of An Era

Seven years and 8 months.

That is how long I have been out of the paid workforce. Today I make 2 steps to ending this part of my life. I will be registering my youngest child in full day kindergarten (one way or another she will be full day). She is over 5 years old and very ready to move on. Staying at home with just mommy isn't enough for her anymore. She is ready and happy to start attending school with her big sister and brother (not that they are looking forward to it, mind you). But also, I will be going on my first job interview in over 9 years. This probably scares me the most. Re-entering the workforce after so much time. Will I be able to justify my time during my absence? Raising my three children, my volunteer work must count for something? Will I be able to answer questions with another adult and not have a child at my foot? I admit, I am scared. I've been coping with it by not thinking about it. Sure it is a terrible time to be seeking employment. But I can still dream about getting that perfect job, right?


Sara said...

You're fortunate that you can actually gain work experience staying home with your kids. It doesn't work that way for most fields. Or does it? :)

You don't need it, but I'll say good luck anyway. Even in down times, good teachers are needed.