Friday, February 27, 2009

Be Aggressive, B-E Aggressive

I can hear the cheer in my head as I am writing this (see you can be smart *and* a cheerleader too). But I am really going off topic here. I need to start thinking about stepping up my game in my job search. The boon days are definitely over, and I need to be aggressive in order to land a job. Gosh, I hate tight job markets, but a girl needs to be realistic. Just because there is suppose to be a demand for special ed teachers doesn't mean there is a position awaiting me with my name engraved on it. I think next week is the perfect time to write my introduction letter, strap on some heels, slither into a conservative yet professional skirt, and hit the pavement. Wish me luck readers. I am going to need it. Money is going to get really tough this year, and I need to work in order to keep my head above water.


Jennifer said...

Good luck. Break a leg. Ask around. Move to a state without such sucky education spending. You know I'll always give you a good reference.