Tuesday, February 24, 2009


For bookclub we are reading this non-fiction work. Freakonomics uses economic principles to explain various societal issues. It is certainly a different type of book than you would expect a club to be reading. The chapter titles are definately eye catching, but I must admit that the subject mastter is boring to me. There is a lot of information using numbers and that seems to trip me up. I have forgotten my math ADD. I thought I liked statistics in college, but this analysis of data, while in a unique way to support the authors positions, is just plain boring. I wish it wasn't, but so be it. I will finish this book. That I do promise. And I look forward to hearing the arguements of my friends in support or not of the author's opinions. But so help me if someone starts quoting statistics, I will scream. (Yep picture it, me with the hands over my head yelling "I can't hear you, I can't hear you. La, la, la, la.....)


Sara said...

I'm sorry you hate it so. I'm enjoying it immensely! If any of my college economics professors were half as interesting as these guys, I might be an economist right now.

You don't have to focus on every statistic. Just keep reading to the next sentence or paragraph and he explains in WORDS what his numbers are saying. He just has to include the numbers to back-up his theories. Hang in there. In the last two chapters he uses regressional analysis to try to figure out what makes a perfect parent and his findings can be eye-opening. And the last chapter on names is just plain fun. There you can use his statistics to analyze your friends' kids' names. ha ha

Just Another Mom said...

I'm not hating it. It's just all the numbers and the round about way of it is giving me a headache. I'm sure if my life was a little less rattled I'd be handling it better.