Saturday, February 14, 2009

When IS You Kid's Bedtime??

I would like to add this disclaimer before I rant on- I have been accused of being a bit too diligigent when it comes to bedtimes. Strict has been used to describe it quite often. So possibly my views maybe skewed, however, my friends who were with me appeared equally annoyed, so I suppose not.

To avoid the kiddie crowd, my 30 something friends and I went to a 10:10 showing of Shopaholic. Since it was at the mall, we thought it prudent to avoid the teeny-boppers and some of the opening day crowds. Our instincts were somewhat correct. We enter the theater (after a long trek in the Arizona winter evening) and there is plenty of seating 5 minutes before start time. Perfect. We scope out seats with no one infront of or behind us. Room to talk and ooooh and aaahhh over the fashions. As the movie is about to start a couple of women walk in with very young children. A baby and a sick toddler. Guess where they sit? Yep, right infront of us. I lost count how many times one of the adults left with the baby in the stroller and I know my friends lost count on the times the toddler coughed. What are these people thinking? Couldn't they find other seats? What would possess them to come to a movie that ends after midnight? And feed their 3 year old an Icee too? At the end of the movie I was surprised to see there were at least 2 other under 10 kids at this movie. All I can ask myself is WHY???