Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Anyone who knows me well, knows my only sister and I do not get along. We are polar opposites. We were not close as children, and while we have gone through some periods of time where we got along those times were rare.

Now that I have 2 daughters of my own, I see their dynamic in a different light. Being 2 years apart can be a curse or a blessing for my new angels. They fight like cats and dogs sometimes (I swear Amanda goes to sleep at night thinking of new ways to make her sister cry). It can get ugly. They yell horribly mean things to each other. But then there are times they are looking for each other and they can actually play for a few hours without World War III erupting. Today, Rachel begged me to bring her up to Amanda's school to have lunch. Our school encourages this and for some unknown reason I complied. We were there in time for Amanda's recess (it is before lunch). Rachel was being shy and didn't want to walk over onto the fields where Amanda was playing with a friend. She coerced me down the wet slope. When Amanda saw her, she ran over to her little sister and picked her up. Big sister promptly began to show off her little sis to her friends. They actually sat together and ate lunch without fighting. It wasn't exactly a Norman Rockwell moment, but I'll take it. Perhaps there is hope yet for my girls!