Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Just Say NO!

I was a kid from the 80s, but apparently I ignored that message from Nancy Reagan. Now, relax I'm not talking about drugs....not my thing. I'm referring to my innate ability to volunteer myself for things. I just can't resist. I am finished with the International Fest, and the rest of the year I'm in the clear with additional scout responsibilities. Am I satisfied with that? Nope. As soon as their was a call for assistance in planning the Leader Dinner, guess who's hand goes up? Yep, that would be me...I'm just a sucker it seems.


Jennifer said...

Oh they got you. Glad I stayed home.

Sara said...

You're just like me. At meetings, they make the call for help and no one raises their hand. So I feel guilty and slowly raise mine and suddenly I'm the chairperson.

I'm in recovery, though. I'm slowly learning the art of saying no.