Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I Wanna Go Home

I know I have been living in Arizona for over 3 years, but New York will always be home to me. It's where I grew up, where most of my memories are. I have a strong yearning to go back, to visit that is. (Reality check reminds me I can't afford to live there anymore, or at least in the lifestyle I have become accustomed to). Rachel has very little recollection of living there, so I want her to go ice skating, and to see the tree. The houses there really go all out with decorations, and to see where here life began. Yeah, yeah I know it's cold there now. Yes I am aware it snows there too, and the ice is a pain also. I have been searching for flights right after Christmas, wouldn't it be nice to be there for New Year's and see my niece and nephew for their birthdays? Is it really worth the 2 grand to go with my kids? Hmmm....maybe John might consider it his Christmas gift, since he'd be here alone while we are visiting his family. I'm sorely tempted.....


Sara said...

Give it another 3 years and you won't want to go back. I've lived in Arizona for almost ten years. I was as Pittsburgh as they come and even though I've held on to some 'Burgh characteristics, I don't think I could live there again. Visiting is fun, though.

Since you stay at home, you should consider doing what we do. The kids and I fly back in the summer for about 3 weeks and Brian joins us for one week. Three weeks is just enough time to see your family and you're homeward bound. And because it's summer, there's no snow and ice to worry about and you can actually enjoy being outdoors in the middle of summer.

Just Another Mom said...

True, there is alot we can do over the summer....go to the beach for one! I also miss the holiday aspect of NY- Rockerfeller Plaza, Rockettes, window displays on 5th Ave. Things my kids never got to experience that I associate with Christmas (yep sounds like a sappy commercial for NYC tourism!) I just need a vacation I think.