Thursday, November 13, 2008

Trans Fats

Unless you have been living in a bubble the past years, you know all the hype about how bad Trans Fats are for your health. Even in New York City, the big box food retailers are required to remove them from their products. I tend to think that an overabundance of it is more the issue, rather than the moderate intake of them. Nonetheless, these bad fats are being eliminated from our favorite foods. Girl Scout cookies are also onboard. But the cookies just don't taste the same. The All Abouts (wafer cookie with chocolate bottom) seems to not have survived the sans trans fad. They have been booted from the line up, and I for one is sad. Oh well, I suppose it is all in the name of healthy cookie (an oxymoron in my honest opinion).


Sara said...

Sorry about your All Abouts. So are there any new cookies this year that look good?

Just Another Mom said...

Yep, Dulce de Leche. I have a box, but haven't tried them yet.