Monday, November 10, 2008

Cellphones and Texting

This is not going to be a rant about rude people talking and texting. So continue reading if you are still interested.

Everyone who knows me well, knows I have a love affair with my cellphone. I have unlimited texting for a really good reason. I've been accused of being like a teenager in this technological aspect of my world. There, I've admitted my phone addiction. One of my pet peeves has to do with people who let everything go to voicemail. Just answer your phone. If I am calling it, I probably need to speak with you. If it was just imparting some information, or just to be casual, I would text you. Or if you are in a situation that you can not talk in, then text me back.

Tonight, while home doing school work with my girls, I get a phone call from John's work. There is a big, big problem. They needed to get in contact with him ASAP. John was at soccer practice with Jason. No problem, call him on his cell. Well, if you know John, he is the polar opposite of me and hates his phone. It's not with him. The store has been robbed and they need him. I start calling other people at the fields, no answer. Four adults later, in desperation, I called a teenage daughter of one of the parents who I hoped was there. The teen called me back first! Can you beleive it? I was floored because I didn't text her!