Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Watch What You Say

As adults, sometimes we forget what our little ones hear as part of conversation. Other times, we say things that are not meant to be repeated to ears outside of our own homes. Most parents (especially my friends who read my blog) can relate to letting an expletive slip in front of innocent ears. But I'm referring to more serious adult conversations.

In our house there was much talk of politics during the last month. The school was focusing on the current events, and our children had formed some opinions. We would discuss our reasonings for supporting a candidate and allowed our children to form their opinion (not that my 7 year old should be allowed in a voting booth, but we wanted balance). I did hear about a friend of one of my children who lamented about the possiblity of the election of one of the candidates. She stated if this man was elected, he would make her parents give up all their money and they would lose their house. Ouch.

Be mindful my friends, Be mindful.