Tuesday, December 16, 2008

If I Won Lotto

C'mon, we've all dreamed this dream. Spending a dollar, and hitting the big jackpot. What would you do with all that money? Buy a bigger house, or maybe a Rolls Royce? Take your family on a vacation around the world? Quit your job? Donate some to your favorite charity? How about change your phone number so the relatives that have forgotten about your meager existence will stop calling you. I think I would buy the NY Yankees and make Derek Jeter my personal trainer (A-Rod could be my spotter....haha!) I'd take Jennifer to NY for fashion week, and we'd stay at my east side apartment. I'd buy a beach house in Hawaii, and a villa in Italy. College funds for the kids would be a must, or course...I do need to be practical. A whole new wardrobe would be fun. I'd have better parties that P-Diddy on Labor Day, might even coerce Fall Out Boys to play. But most of all I think I would just have fun. It is good to dream about these things....but I guess the first thing I would do is pay off my Christmas bills.


Jennifer said...

Aawww, you are so sweet. I assume you were talking about me. : )
And speaking of FOB-their new album is out and you can download it on Amazon for 3.99.