Sunday, December 28, 2008

Out of the Mouth of Babes

The under 10 crowd in my house is beyond technologically savvy, they are dependent. During a dinner conversation, my son asked a question I did not know the answer to. Without hesitation, the 7 year old responds, "Just Google it!". The 5 year old pipes in with, "Yeah mom, Google it on your ipod." I am cracking a smile, and inform the girls you can't do that on my ipod. The 9 year old rounds out the discussion with, "yeah but you could if you had a Blackberry."


Sara said...

I can't believe you don't have a Blackberry. It would make all that texting you do so much easier, wouldn't it?

Just Another Mom said...

Yeah, it would. I had to make a choice between that and a new laptop....