Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Years...Big Deal

I'm not certain why everyone makes such a big deal about this holiday. The year is over, and a new one starts. So what? All it is another day. It's only symbolic. Everyone cheers at midnight...for what? I say it's just the alcohol talking and people's need to have a reason to get plastered. Resolutions? All that means to me is there will be a ton of people at the gym for the next 2 weeks (hogging machines they don't know how to use) before they give up. We will make empty promises to ourselves, with no real intentions of following through. Real change doesn't happen because of a new year, but when people are dedicated to their cause. There really are no fresh starts. For as long as people have memories, the slate is never wiped clean . And most of all, the more things change the more they stay the same.


Sara said...

So, you're a glass half-empty kind of girl, huh?

Happy New Year! :)

Just Another Mom said... glass isn't even poured.

Happy New Year! We need to have another Girls Night Out!

Jennifer said...

Well, at least you're staying positive. And I second the night out.