Saturday, December 27, 2008

It's Almost Over went by so fast, but yet, looking back, it was a long year. I ended 2007 in a free falling descent into PMD, only to be plucked out of it's grips with the help of medication. I started the new year with destructive habits or overeating (especially in stressful times) and drinking (not always stress-induced). Now I have nearly elminated these, and have replaced them with some more positive and healthy alternatives. The result of banning alcohol and working out is the loss of over 25lbs., and a much healthier and toned body. Another resolution made and kept. Now as I look forward I need to start thinking about my future, my 2009. I guess I should start looking for the list from last year and stop patting myself on the back. I'm certain there are more unmet ones I could get around to this upcoming year.


Jennifer said...

I hope 2009 is a wonderful year for you. I'm so glad we expanded our friendship this year. I really needed a loud and crazy New Yorker in my life.