Sunday, May 10, 2009

Kid's Day

That's what everyday is in this house. Including today...Mother's Day. Sure my kids made me sentimental cards and presents at school, but that is where it ended. No sleeping in late, the screaming, fighting and coming into my room to complain about their sibling stopped that. No breakfast in bed, actually no breakfast at all. They complained about what I served them instead. Lunch? Well, Jason did make his own. And since their dad and I are divorcing, there was no consideration from him, or his help in letting them celebrate. Why should I think this year would be much different than any other years past? Our big outing was to see Hannah Montana movie (sorry Jason) for that was the only thing I could think of to keep them from fighting and stop Rachel from complaining she is hungry.

There are people out there who have lost their mothers. Some have passed away, others are lost to different situations (drugs, incarceration to name two). These people are hungry for a mother figure in their lives. Mine, take it for granted not fully realizing how lucky they are to have someone who loves their selfish little butts so much.

So, I put on a smile, and pretend it's just another day. For really that is all that it is, the second Sunday in May.


Sara said...

I remember my brother and I asking our parents on Mother's Day and Father's Day, "When's kid's day?" They'd always reply the same, "Every day is kid's day!" Now I know exactly what they meant.