Friday, May 29, 2009

Loops, Circles...It's not Geometry

It is sociology my friends. For the past 8 years I have been in the mommy loop. I could have hour long discussions about potty training, sleeping through the night. I had every statistic on each of my child committed to memory. As my kids entered school, I have been in the sports/scouts/school mom. My expertise now revolves around Little League rules, scouting acheivements, and the latest gossip and goings-on at the elementary school. At Amanada's school play Bugz (which was too cute for words, I wish I remembered my camera), I realized that I am slipping out of this circle. I was not apart of the production. I started thinking "why do they do these events at 9 o'clock in the morning, don't they realize people have to work at this time?" I am crossing over, morphing into working mom. I guess it's time to be on the other side, the one who takes the evening conferences and isn't there at parent pick up. I guess it is inevitable, the loops and circles which you belong to evolve.