Thursday, March 12, 2009

Era Living

No, I'm not talking about the Equal Rights Amendment. This isn't going to be a feminist rant. I'm talking about different time periods in which you would like to live (maybe not a whole life, but a little time travel vacation to) and experience. As many of you know I am a bit of a historical fiction buff, so these thoughts have crossed my mind quite often.

The Elizabethan times was one of my first thoughts. Think castles and knights in shinning armor. Court life and the fantastic gowns. Mind you I would have to be rich to want to experience it. I don't see too much glamour in being a scullery maid.

Victorian England (ok, my British roots are showing). Again the gowns....but damn I bet my waist would look realll good in a corset, it might be worth not being able to breathe. The chivalry, the idleness. Again I would have to be rich, and definitely in the latter half of the time period, those bustle were pretty ugly in the early part. Plus some more modern conviences did start popping up, like gas lamps and train travel.

The 1920s. Just reading about the flapper experience wows me. It is quite interesting that I would want to live both Victorian and the roaring 20s, since the latter is a direct response to the former. But again, the fashion draws me. The jazz and the speak-easies would be such a thrill.

I wonder if future generations will look back upon the time my life has spanned and wish to live in my own era?