Friday, January 23, 2009

Sheer Panic and Fear

Last evening I stopped off at my ATM to get cash for Bunco. I never carry cash, living on my debit card is the norm. Apparently I left the card in the stupid machine (it eats the card during the transaction, instead of you just swiping it). I didn't realize my card was lost until I went to pay for McDonald's tonight (yep another stellar moment in parenting). I was in such a panic. I dumped out the contents of my purse, almost in tears over losing something so important. And that is when it hit me! Damn you ATM machine, and damn my need for cash! Luckily I was able to report it lost immediately, and it doesn't look like it was used in the interim. Now make that two lost important cards this year, debit and my fingerprint clearance care. I fear this is going to be a slippery slope....


Jennifer said...

Whew glad to hear everything worked out. My credit card was stolen once (from a party at my own apartment) and I didn't realize it until the next day. So maybe it's a good thing you went to McDonald's!