Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Things I Shouldn't Have to Ask to Be Done....

But I always seem to do so. Some people make lists for New Year's Resolutions, I am making ones that just plain tick me off lately (well this blog is called RANTINGS, Ravings, and Musings...what did you all expect from this plain domestic goddess???)

1. Pick your clothes up and place them in the hamper without items in the pockets, or socks crumpled up. I do too many loads of laundry to go through them carefully. A little co-operation would go a long way.

2. No throwing tantrums while in the store. I am not going to magically give in. Crying gets you nowhere.

3. If the toilet paper runs out, put a new one in. There are only 50 rolls in the house, how hard can it be?

4. Put your dirty dishes in the dishwasher. It's not that difficult, or is it?

5. If you know I've been to the grocery store, and you hear the garage open, come and help me unload. I hate making 5 trips.

6. Wipe up the crumbs you make after eating. Nothing irritates me more than the little bits all over a counter.

7. If the garbage pail is full (or recycle bucket) take it out.

8. Finish your chore, don't leave it half complete. If it isn't complete, it isn't finished.

9. Putting away laundry. If the basket is in the room with the clothes folded, put them in the drawers. Not too difficult since I hang everything else up myself.

10. Unless we are going someplace special, just get dressed when I ask. And while I am at it, chose things that match, and are in good shape. If it is worn out, we can replace it.

Chores are easily forgotten in my home. If only I could have my dream of everything put away at the end of the day. How I long for the day when I don't have shoes, toys, papers, etc. all over the floor.