Thursday, January 8, 2009

To Makeover or Not....

With my new and gym improved body, I've been very busy getting all new clothes that actually fit me. While I haven't made any drastic image changes, I am certainly updated. Now I am wondering about my makeup. I feel like I'm in a drugstore rut. The color palletes are boring me. My skin seems to need something different, I just can't seems to put my finger on it. While at the mall, I considered going into Sephora, or even Dillards. But fear stopped me (not just from expected price). Maybe this is the one area I can't "improve". My abs are flatter, my thighs more toned...but my face is still the same. Same scars, same broken nose and uneven lips, same boring eye color. Only the lines and wrinkles are new.


Jennifer said...

OK sorry about all that other wrinkles and lines part blah, blah. But you should definitely go to Sephora. They will make you over honey. And not just in a tarty way. Make sure to tell them how much time you (don't) have and they will perform miracles. I heart Sephora.