Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Girl Power!

I've been contemplating the meaning of empowerment of our girls and women. I know I will make true feminists cringe at my personal thoughts of what constitutes true feminine equality. For me it is about Choice.

Truly I believe in the ability of women to be whatever they want to be in their lives. This includes a stay at home mother, an astronaut, president, or a stripper. It is the freedom of choices. You are only objectified if you allow it to define your being. There is nothing wrong in using your sexuality (or perceived sexuality) to your advantage, as long as it is your *free choice*.

Do people choose to base their decisions of your character based on your looks or occupation? Yes, some. However, it is not your responsibility to live up to or refute these assumptions. Those who really want to look past stereotypes will do so.

So, a cheerleader is an athlete, a beauty queen can be a valedictorian, a blond can be intelligent. It is about perception and choice my ladies. Don't allow others to define you, create your own mold!


Jennifer said...

Yes, but the problem with being a stripper isn't about thinking you're using your power over men. It's the reality that men have the power and women are dancing for dollars stuffed into their pants.

Just Another Mom said...

Nah, the men don't have the power over them. I know plenty of girls who paid for college with their stripping money. These girls definitaly were in control. If men are dumb enough to fork over that much cash, then they deserve to be parted with it.