Thursday, October 30, 2008

Butterfly Effect

One action, however insignificant, can influence the outcomes of larger things. This made me start thinking about how my actions, or inactions, effect other people's lives. A brief call to let someone know you are thinking about them can lead to a profound conversation. A passing smile can brighten a day. An angry word from your lips can reverberate in someone's mind the entire day. A negative comment can be interpreted as criticism. Confidence can come in a small gesture, a kind word. Empathy can be found in unlikely people. It is amazing how we can affect others not not truly realize it.


Sara said...

Very true.

Did you see that movie? I seriously had a headache for three days after watching it. And not just because of Ashton Kutcher.

Just Another Mom said...

Actually I hadn't seen it. I might just risk the headache for Ashton, tho :-)