Saturday, October 11, 2008

Phases of Life

I know there are psychological and stages of childhood well domumented. I started thinking about the stages of my life and where I am at now. When I was in college I was in party mode (yeah I know it should have been study mode....but these stories are for a whole 'nother post). Then I entered work/career mode. The most important thing was for me to establish myself as a teacher. Then all around me my friends were settling down, and I did the same. Quickly I entered mommy status, and while I am still there, I feel an evolution. Having the 3 children so quickly (in a 4.5 year span), I was full force preggos! Well, now my youngest is approaching 5 and is on the cusp of full day school. I feel like I am at a crossroads. While I am still wife and mother, I am restless. The volunteer work doesn't feel as rewarding. There is more me time, but I feel like I have missed out on so much of that for the past 9 years. I want to be selfish (yep that's coming from the writer who just proclaimed herself vain...big surprise). I want to wander the mall by myself. I'm craving adventure and excitement (but not at the expense of my security). Hubby says I'm trying to relive my past, and maybe I am. I was a bit wild in the past, and now possibly the daily grind of my daily life is starting to take a toll. Or possibly it is my mid life crisis??