Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Confessions of a Bad Mom

Since I have exposed my lack of housekeeping skills, I thought I might as well admit my failings as a mother.

Today my children ate Pop Tarts for breakfast, with chocolate milk to boot! I've been known to serve pancakes for dinner. When my kids are bad, I threaten to sell them on eBay. I lie to the 4 year old and tell her she doesn't have practice because I don't feel like going. I don't force my kids to clean their rooms (annoys me, but I still don't force them). They've been known to go 2 days without bathing. I let my kids play the Wii for 4 hours once (I took a good nap that day). I told my 9 year old the truth about Santa, Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny instead of letting him find out on his own (prompted by me forgetting to give him money for his teeth 3x). I have called my kids in sick when they were fine just so we can have a mental health day. I don't check my 9 year old homework. I expect better grades from my son than my daughters. I have threatened to mail them to NY if they didn't stop arguing. I've gotten so frustrated that I've gone outside to cry. There have been baby pictures and I wasn't sure which daughter was in it. I've let them cry it out. I've handed down panties to the younger one. I have taken less pictures of the third one, and I know it.

Confession is good for the soul.


Pocketful of Posh Boutique said...

A mother after my own heart!! Nothing wrong with hand me down underwear. :)