Thursday, September 25, 2008

Women Rule the Roost

If you haven't had your morning coffee and read the newspaper, here is the link to the article I read this morning:

No big surprises for me on this one. I know I am the Domestic Goddess of this house. On the weekends, John just asks: "Ok, what is the schedule?" No input, no decision making, just blind following the activities. I also thought about other areas in which he hasn't had much, if any input what-so-ever. Well, I picked out all my appliances- alone. I chose the furnishings for the dining room, kitchen, all three childrens rooms- alone. He did choose which TV and sectional we have, but only after I narrowed it down to three choices. My car? He just wanted to sign the papers and go....he didn't even drive it for 2 months! But the biggest decision I made with some input was our house! I did almost all the leg work in choosing where we were to live in AZ, he just picked this floor plan over another as the final decision.

Our checking and savings accounts? He probably knows the balance to the nearest thousand or so. He does know where the checkbook is, however. I ask for input on the kids schooling decisions, and he has confidence in my knowledge. Doctor appointments, sign-ups for scouts and sports are all my responsibilities. We'd be naked and eating take out with plastic ware if I didn't take control of these areas also!

I suppose I could look at it negatively, that he is uninvolved. But I'd rather take it as a compliment; he has confidence in my decision-making abilities.