Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Sun Must Be Frying My Brain

Since it is ridiculously hot this summer, I think some of my brain cells have been fried. All three kids had soccer today. Yep, new field, lots of people, hot day. What do I forget? An umbrella and suncreen. Why in the world would I need that, it's only going to be 108 today! Well, at least I remembered a chair and drinks. Which brings me to our 5pm baseball game. I take the chairs out of the car to put the baseball gear in. No big deal, there are bleachers there. Well, silly me forgets how hot metal bleachers get while sitting in the blistering sun all day. Forget the sunscreen (at least I'm consistent) and bug spray. Great, let's see what I get first, sun poisoning or West Nile.


amru333 said...

Well u got to go out. and your kids were entertained. try sitting out a tropical rainstorm that turns out to be just rain. hubby cleans out the backyard from the impending gusts of winds and they really never arrived. at least we know all the new outdoor furniture fits in the garage;-)


Just Another Mom said...

Rain? I think I've heard stories about wet stuff falling from the sky...hmmmm???