Friday, September 12, 2008

I've Been Tagged

My dear friend Jennifer (Broken Bananas- check out her blogs friends!) has tagged me. I'm game so I'll play along.

20 years ago:

1. I was in college.
2. I was dating Stuart Friedman.
3. I was listening to grunge music.

10 years ago:

1. I was pregnant with Jason.
2. I was working in Queens, NY as a special ed teacher
3. John and I were married and living in our house in Babylong for a year.

5 years ago:

1. I was pregnant with Rachel.
2. I hadn't worked for 2 years
3. My dad had passed away the year before

3 years ago:

1. I wasn't pregnant!!! LOL
2. Our family moved to AZ.
3. My side of the family moved to AZ too

1 year ago:

1. Amanda started full day school in 1st grade.
2. Rachel started pre school.
3. John and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary.


1. I worked out at the gym.
2. Got caught in a dust storm while watching Jason play baseball.
3. Cleaned my bathrooms.


1. Worked out at the gym.
2. Did a load of laundry.
3. Talked to Jennifer on the phone.

In 5 years:

1. I will be working again.
2. I will have all three kids in "double digits".
3. Maybe living in another state???


Sara said...

I just Googled Stuart Friedman in case he was someone I was supposed to know. He does have a famous-sounding name. Now I'm wondering which is yours--the judge, the professor, the attorney, the doctor. Perhaps none of them.

amru333 said...

Has it been really 20 years we were in college? I do not remember Stuart. You dated a Stuart??? Seriously??

Just Another Mom said...

No Sara he isn't famous...just a shout out to some really old memories of the various boyfriends I had (that's what I collected back in the day).

Ana- you don't remember him? He lived in Freeport, and went to NYIT? I might be wrong tho, but actually in 1998 I think I was dating Mickey...hmmmm? it all blends into one after awhile.