Monday, September 29, 2008

Fall Break Plans

My goal for this long 2 week break is to not kill my children, or double my medications. Considering how our "first" day of vacation went, this is not going to be an easy task. Apparently I need to find ways to entertain the kiddos while on a budget. (And if you are not sure why I am trying not to spend too much money, obviously you haven't seen any news feeds on the stock market collapse).

So what do you do with 3 school aged children that won't cost too much? And for this week we will not bake in the sun. My first reaction is to go to the public pool. Good idea, until I looked at my "mommy-suits". Well, they don't fit me very well. Too late to buy a new one now, unless I want to wear a sweater to the pool. I guess I'll just wear shorts. Other than that I am stumped on how to occupy them. Maybe I need to get crafty.

If I don't get creative, they will be spending a lot of time at my work out center's play area and the free sitting at Basha's. I can just read Jason's report now, "I did nothing fun on my vacation."